Underground Conduit Spacers
Conduit Spacers Shipped Direct from the Manufacturer For Faster Turnaround
Quick turn around time is important to industrial and electric transmission contractors meeting deadlines. Where as many shops only do the grinding or the extrusion work or the CNC machining, at RPI the entire process is done under one roof.
No time lost in inter-manufacturing transit.
Underground Conduit Spacers Made to Order
As a high capacity manufacturer and fabricator of recycled HDPE sheet, Reprocessed Plastics, Inc. (RPI) is in the position to deliver conduit duct spacers fast and at a competitive price.
RPI speeds delivery to your duct bank job site in multiple ways:
- RPI stocks a large of inventory of blank conduit spacer sheets
- RPI has years of experience in conduit spacer design
- RPI has industry leading lead times
- RPI does every step of the process under one roof
Competitive Pricing
- Recycled HDPE saves over PVC products
- No distributor middleman
- No inter-manufacturing transit fees
Recycled HDPE Benefits
- Impact resistant
- Chemically resistant
- Non –toxic
- MSDS for Recycled HDPE